Wiley Workshops


Virtual: Private Lesson | 10 Seats

Virtual: Private Lesson | 10 Seats


{Now booking in April 2025!}

Pricing: For our Virtual: Private Lesson, our pricing covers 10 total Zoom attendees for $225.00 ($25.00 per person).

Wiley subscribers receive 10% off. This subscriber-only discount code can be found under Early Access and Discounts after signing into your account.

When: We schedule your private lesson based on your preferred availability. You will be emailed within 24 hours of your purchase to schedule your private lesson.

Where: Online via Zoom

Duration: 75 minutes

Class size: Up to 10 people

Workshop Details:

The goal of this Wiley Workshop is to increase your confidence and independence at home and in your own canning practice. Private lessons are hosted by founder, Chelsea J. O’Leary, from her Nashville home.

Private lessons are tailored to your specific home food preservation goals. Together, we can fully understand the science and safety of canning, create a pickled vegetable alongside one another, or study the world of preserving as we compare and contrast jams, jellies, marmalades, butters, and chutneys. Name your interest, and we will design a Wiley Workshop for you.

Please email workshops@wileycanningcompany.com with any further questions!

View additional Wiley Workshops here.

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