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Begin With What Is True

Begin With What Is True


Begin With What Is True was written on August 23, 2024. It is the fifth of five popular essays from 2024’s Thin Slices, a subscriber-only segment of the Wiley Weekly Newsletter.

Each essay was first available to Wiley subscribers. You can subscribe to the Wiley Subscription for access to all essays here.

Yesterday, I flew alone from Nashville to Salt Lake City, where I rented a car and drove four hours southeast to Moab. I am here to celebrate the marriage of a dear friend, Lauren, and her soon-to-be husband, Patrick.

As I was driving from Salt Lake City to Moab, I began to feel a very specific nostalgia—a longing—for my family. This is a familiar sentiment; I experience it any time I travel without Jared and Sullivan, especially to a place as beautiful and otherworldly as Moab.

The way I move through this sentiment is by stating what is true, as simple as this sounds.

“I am driving through mesmerizing red rock formations.”

“Sullivan is so excited to have concentrated time with his dad.”

“I am 31 weeks pregnant, and I feel strong. I have a weekend alone with my second baby to rest and process.”

“I am here to celebrate committed partnership.”

“Everyone I love is safe and healthy.”

“This trip is a gift.”


Oftentimes, stating what is true is what we need to bring us into the present—to move us through nostalgia (or fear, anxiety, and more) and into a state of comfort or wholeness.

For example, I absolutely love to teach Wiley Workshops. Teaching is, by far, one of my favorite aspects of Wiley Canning Company. It is also true, to this day, I get incredibly nervous before every workshop. The way I move through my nerves is by stating what is true.

“I love to teach Wiley Workshops.”

“I am nervous right now, but as soon as our workshop starts, my nerves will melt away, as they always do.”

“My students want to learn about home food preservation.”

“I deeply understand and value the concepts and practices I teach.”

If you, too, find yourself in a scenario that causes feelings of nostalgia or fear, can you ask yourself, “What is currently true?”

I predict we will each find, most of the time, everything is indeed okay. Not only are we safe, but we are also experiencing abundance and fortune.

Chelsea J. O'LearyComment