Tomato Jam

Tomato Jam


Equipment & Tools

3 regular-mouth 8-ounce jars, rings, and lids
Water-boiling canning pot
Jar lifter
Large pot
Large bowl
Cutting board
Measuring cups and spoons
Silicone spatula
Wide-mouth funnel
Towel or drying rack
Splatter screen


2 lbs tomatoes

2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon tomato paste
3 tablespoons pectin
3 cups sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/4 teaspoon ground mustard seed
1/4 teaspoon cracked black pepper
1/4 teaspoon canning salt

Recipe Notes

Tomato Jam is both sweet and savory. The tomato paste makes this recipe. It allows the tomato flavor stand alone after sugar has been added.

Layer a cracker (or crostini), mozzarella cheese, Tomato Jam, and fresh basil for a delicious snack or appetizer. Be sure to add balsamic glaze and a pinch of salt.

Tomato Jam also adds depth and richness to tostados, tacos, nachos, and more.

Step-by-Step Process

Yield: Approximately 3 8-ounce jars
Total steps: 28

  1. Take a look around your kitchen. Make sure it’s a space in which you’re ready to spend some time. Turn up your favorite playlist, open a window, or light a new candle.

  2. Prepare your ingredients, and read the full recipe. Set your ingredients out, and make sure you have every item you need before getting started. Read through each step below to learn your landscape ahead.

  3. Place a plate in your freezer. This chilled plate comes in handy at Step 21 when you’re ensuring your jam has set and is ready to be ladled into your jars.

  4. Prepare your water-boiling canning pot and jars. Fill your canning pot with water. Place your rack inside your canning pot. Do not yet submerge your rack. Place the jars and rings on top of the rack. Submerge the rack, jars, and rings, allowing the jars to completely fill with water. Ensure the water level is ultimately about 1 inch above your jars. Place your lid on your canning pot, and bring to a boil for 5 minutes. This step not only prepares your water-boiling canning pot, or water bath, but it also sterilizes your jars. (Boiling water may harm the sealant on your lids, so sterilize your lids by placing them in a saucepan of 180°-water for 5 minutes.) Once your water-boiling canning pot has boiled for 5 minutes, remove your jars and rings from your canning pot. Remove your lids from your saucepan. They’re going to be hot to the touch, so use your jar lifter to protect your hands. Allow jars, rings, and lids to cool.

  5. Rinse your tomatoes in cool water.

  6. Blanch your tomatoes. Fill your large pot with water, and bring to a boil. As you’re waiting for the water to begin boiling, fill your large bowl with ice water. (You can also plug your sink and fill it with ice water. Both the boiling water and ice water need to be ready at the same time.) Once the water is boiling, drop your tomatoes into the water for 60 seconds. Start timing after the last tomato has been dropped. (Do not overcrowd your pot. Blanch a single layer of tomatoes at a time, and move through a couple rounds of blanching if needed.) After 60 seconds, remove your tomatoes from the boiling water, and immediately submerge them in your ice water. Allow them to completely cool.

  7. While your tomatoes cool, wash and rinse the large pot you used to blanch them. You can reuse this pot to cook your tomatoes.

  8. Core your tomatoes. Use a paring knife. Removing the core from your tomatoes will give you a starting point from which to begin peeling.

  9. Peel your tomatoes. The thick skin of each tomato ought to easily peel away. Briefly set aside.

  10. Place your peeled tomatoes in your blender. Add your lemon juice. Blend until smooth.

  11. Pour your blended tomatoes into your large pot. Begin to heat your pineapple on low to medium. Use your spatula to begin slowly stirring. Do not boil.

  12. Add your tomato paste. As you continue stirring, add your tomato paste, and fully incorporate. Include any jam that has made its way up the sides of your pot.

  13. Add your pectin. As you continue stirring, add your pectin tablespoon by tablespoon. Still include any jam that has made its way up the sides of your pot.

  14. Add your sugar. As you continue stirring, add your sugar cup by cup. Still include any jam that has made its way up the sides of your pot.

  15. Add your ground cumin. As you continue stirring, add your cumin. Still include any jam that has made its way up the sides of your pot.

  16. Add your group mustard seed. As you continue stirring, add your mustard seed. Still include any jam that has made its way up the sides of your pot.

  17. Add your cracked black pepper. As you continue stirring, add your black pepper. Still include any jam that has made its way up the sides of your pot.

  18. Add your canning salt. As you continue stirring, add your salt. Still include any jam that has made its way up the sides of your pot.

  19. Boil your jam. Increase heat to bring jam to a low, gentle boil. Boil for 15 minutes. Stir continuously. Use your splatter screen if needed.

  20. Remove any foam that has accumulated on the surface of your jam.

  21. Make sure your jam has set. You can ensure your jam has set via 2 ways. Firstly, ensure it has set via a freezer test. Remove your chilled plate from your freezer, and place a spoonful of jam onto your plate. Wait 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, nudge your spoonful of jam with the tip of your finger. If it wrinkles as your finger moves through, it has set. If your finger moves smoothly through your jam, allow it to boil 5 additional minutes, and test again. Secondly, you can ensure it has set by paying close attention to the way it drips off your spatula via a drip test. Hold your spatula above your pot, and notice how your jam drips. If it drips quickly and appears thin, it hasn’t yet set. If it drips slowly and more heavily, it has set! Ensuring your jam has set is something that can make you feel unsure, but don’t let it! Following these steps, using the freezer test, and paying close attention to how it drips will ensure your jam has thickened to a delightful consistency.

  22. Transfer jam into jars. Your jam will be very hot, so do this carefully. Use your funnel to guide each pour, and use a ladle or a measuring cup to transfer your jam. Fill each jar to the lowest part of the jar’s mouth, about 1⁄2 inch below the rim.

  23. Remove air bubbles. If you see any bubbles in the jars, use a spatula to guide them out.

  24. Tidy up. Wipe your jars clean, especially rims, with a warm, damp towel.

  25. Add your lids and rings. Tighten.

  26. Process your jam. Submerge your jam into your water-boiling canning pot. Allow your jars to boil for 5 minutes. Begin your timer once your water is boiling. Adjust for altitude if needed.

  27. Cool. Carefully remove your jars from the water using your jar lifter, and set them on a towel or drying rack to cool.

  28. Ensure they have sealed. Once cooled, either listen for your jar to “pop,” an audible indication it has sealed, or push the center of the lid to see if it pops up and down. If it doesn’t, it’s sealed! Date your jar, and store for up to a year. If the lid does pop up and down, it did not seal. Simply put that jar in your refrigerator, and enjoy within a month.