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The Latest: The Wiley Subscription


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Today, we are highlighting the latest aspects of The Wiley Subscription.

One recent highlight is In Dialogue: Leila Giannetti.

In Dialogue is our interview series and an exclusive feature of The Wiley Subscription.

Leila Giannetti of Patina Home and Garden and Patina Meadow is our ninth In Dialogue feature. Leila is a true, endless wealth of joy, knowledge, and creative inspiration.


I first met Leila at Patina Home and Garden, a welcoming and charming brick-and-mortar store in Leiper’s Fork, Tennessee. Patina Home and Garden, where Leila plays an essential role, was founded by multi-talented Brooke Giannetti of Velvet and Linen and Steve Giannetti.

Leila is also a steward of Patina Meadow, home to a nurturing farm, abundant garden beds, enlivening greenhouses, and The Shed, a gathering space and pottery studio.

My admiration for Leila, as well as her family, is very deep. Any time I speak with her, I experience her grounded perspective, genuine gratitude and kindness, and sense of awe of the land beneath her and world around her.

I am both excited and honored to invite you to listen to our conversation.


I ask Leila the following questions:

What is one of the most rewarding aspects of your personal role and mission at Patina Home and Garden and Patina Meadow? What is one challenge you face as a part of your personal role and mission?

Is there one part of yourself that has come alive in Tennessee that may have been dormant in California? Is there one part of you that feels like it has remained in California that you might miss, or perhaps now honor?

Does working with your parents come naturally to you? Is there any action or habit you intentionally practice to remain in sync and aligned with each other as you work together?

Can you speak more about how you have made peace with the ebbs of your work, as a part of the inevitable ‘ebb and flow’?

Do you have a favorite fruit or vegetable you grow at Patina Meadow?

What is one food-related habit, priority, or value rooted in your past, with family or close friends, that you wish to carry forward into the future? If there isn’t one, what might you start?


Annually, Wiley subscribers also receive an 8x10 photographic print.

I’m thrilled to highlight Nightshade, our second annual print.

If you became, or become, a Wiley subscriber before June 30, 2024, you will receive this print.

One reason I love what I do is this: I am in love with the materials with which I work.

I am in love with fruits and vegetables: their shapes, colors, complexity, and persistence. My favorite colors can be found only when making jams: the deep purple of crushed blackberries, the romantic red of simmering strawberries, or the soft, muted navy of a blueberry, freshly picked from its bush. A mandarin is an entire universe, in and of itself. A peach is a portal through which I connect with my no-longer-alive grandmother. I am madly, deeply in love these living, growing organisms. To preserve them—through a canned good or photograph—is to love them.


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